Eurovision 2003

This is the starting point for the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) festivities for 2003. Latvia won the contest last year, so this year we are off to Riga on May 25th. Highlights for this year include the first-time inclusion of Ukraine, the return of the most successful Eurovision participant (Ireland) and the use of the phrase "Let's be gay" in at least one song lyric (not Russia's, interestingly enough, although their entrants probably have the most legitimate claim to the phrase).

This year I have broken up the Eurovision experience into four main chunks: the food (fondue), the drink (ing competition), the contest (country allocation) and the rest. Those completely new to the ESC should read the ESC In A Nutshell blurb after the menu. Everyone else: just dive in!

So, without further ado, the page has been broken up into the following segments (a * indicates a separate page):

News! (updated 20-05-2003)
  • Mick reliably informs me that Tatu (Russia) will get married underwater if they win. And, apparently, Channel V never lies.
  • Russia are also now the short-price favourites, closely followed by Iceland and Spain.

The 2003 Eurovision and Fondue Party

This is the third year of the event, and the venue seems to change just as much as that of the real contest! After the quaint retro feel of last year we are moving back into town to Eurovision Central (otherwise known as Ed and Rory's lounge room).

  • Venue: Ed's Place (the address will be in the email I send out)
  • Time and Date: 7pm, Sunday 25 May 2003
  • How to Prepare: Choose a country; read this web page.
  • What to Bring: Things to drink (alcohol) and dunk (fondue). I will look after the fondue (hopefully with assistance from those with more cooking kudos than myself!).

The SBS coverage starts at 8:30pm and finishes at 11:30pm, so we should do the cheese fondue beforehand and the chocolate fondue during the break between the performances and voting.



©2003 Tipson Family.
Email any problems on comments.