Drinking Game 2003

The aim of the Drinking Game isn't necessarily an excuse to get incredibly drunk (especially since the telecast is on a Sunday night). It's more about having some fun whilst watching the competition, and being in awe of the spectacle. This will be the third time that the game has been run, and hopefully we can repeat the success of last year - where (at least I thought that) the game was good fun. The rules are pretty easy to figure out, which becomes handy later in the night (trust me on this), but in order to know what I'm talking about you should probably have already read the opening page.

Drinking Game Rules

Part 1: During the Songs

Before the ESC starts, everyone will get a rule (one rule per person) which - if broken - will cause them to drink. I will think up enough on the night for everybody, but in the meantime a few samples are:

  • Use of words to the audience like "C'mon!", "Yeah" or "Right On";
  • Wearing of leather. Drink double for coloured leather;
  • Drink if the song modulates (changes key) for the last chorous;
  • Use of "ethnic" costumes or instruments. Drink double if the ethnicity does not belong to the country performing.

You get the picture! As you can see, I have quite a bit of fun thinking this stuff up...

Part 2: During the Voting

Also before the ESC starts, everyone will choose (or be allocated) a country - for example this year I have chosen the Netherlands (Switzerland has been relegated this year after last year's poor showing). You can choose a country by sending me an email, and the current list of country allocations is available online.

Drinking in this segment will be along the lines of if your country gets maximum or no points, you drink. I will also think up some other entertaining rules that should be kept in mind you're choosing your country. For example:

  • If your country votes for a "friend" (eg Belgium and France), drink.
  • If your country votes for an "enemy (eg Turkey and Greece), scull.

I will probably draw a couple of rules from the Original Drinking Game (2001), if you want to have a look. Otherwise, start preparing!

©2003 Tipson Family.
Email any problems on comments.