
Welcome to the 1.1 version of All of the section and pages have been revamped, and all of the old static information has now been moved from this, the front page, to a Rationale and History page.

Jump straight into any of the sections on the left, or alternatively go through the below headings (but beware, I make no promises about convergence, and although broadly based around sections there are a few hard-to-find (but hopefully worthwhile to look for) pages.

Update: 20 December 2003 (Christmas Extravaganza)

Something Old

The site is now bigger and brighter than ever, thanks to a whole chunk more storage space. So lots more of my images will be coming online, plus a whole lot of new photos taken with my brand new Canon A300 digital camera!

In the meantime, here is an extremely old photo of Denver, CO, taken back in 1999. A huge version of this photo can be downloaded from the brand new Desktop images page.

You can look at a bigger version (and a few other photos) in the Photos Section.

Something New

Much newer is this photo of the (most of the time) dormant volcano Mt Ruhapehu, which you can find in the middle of New Zealand's North Island. This photo was taken from the chairlift heading up the slope on the adjacent ski area.

You can look at a bigger version (and a few other photos) in the Photos Section.

Something Borrowed

There is now a list of events for 2002 onwards (I realise this has nothing to do with the heading of this section, but thought what the hell).

Something Blue

For some general links, go to the Links Page, where I've collected a few of my oft-used Internet addresses.


©2003 Tipson Family.
Email any problems on comments.