Memorable Emails

Some things should be recorded for posterity. Like emails, especially of the travelling kind. Of course, there is a high hurdle to overcome, since most travel emails are boring - especially for the poor suckers sitting at their office desk reading a blow-by-blow description of how frustrating it can be when people don't speak English in Spain. But I digress...

Author Date Subject
Shaun 20 May 2002 Eurovision and Fondue Party
Shaun 24 Jul 2003 Mission: New Zealand
Shaun 11 Feb 2003 Good Morning Saigon

Ok, so the only person represented at the moment is me (yes, I noticed that as well). So the only way that is going to change is if people suggest emails (and then I'll see if the author minds having them out here).

©2003 Tipson Family.
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